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Absolutely amazing product that it's just pure tea, nothing else added. At first I was surprised by the amount of tea I got in a package and felt a little bit disappointed. Once I looked at the ingredients and realized how pure it was, and that there weren't any sweeteners yet was so delicious, I was really quite happy. A little bit goes a long way! I enjoy my tea with sugar and frosted milk. But not only can you use this ingredient to make a drink, you can put a little bit in yogurt or one day I made vanilla pudding and put a little bit in as a special dessert! One of the things that my 12-year-old took particular interest in in this product was the Vivid green color; she said she didn't realize green tea was so green!


This is the best Matcha I’ve ever had! It gives me a much cleaner energy boost compared to coffee or energy drinks. I feel energized, alert and focused without any of the jitters I get from coffee. Love it on ice! Thank you Holly City Matcha!!


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